Sunday fun day!? With a headache full of a never-ending to-do list, the anxiety kicks in……

So the deal with working 9 till 5  correct me if I'm wrong is that the premise of working all week is to be gifted with  2-days at the weekend to do exactly what you wish to do at that time.

Just another manic Monday...

and what happened for this to change….

Before I left corporate U.K……. I was constantly interrupted by the negative thoughts of having to return to work on Monday morning.

I think this wasn't always the case. I can remember a time when the weekend was a time to catch up with friends and family and  later when my son came along at a time to be just Mum and that was great because I felt like I was just me in those moments.

Just me, not corporate Claire.

My I don't have to run day…

I remember working all week working really hard, being really focused, and then having downtime.

The reality is that as the demands of work got more intense and responsibilities from work grew this became less in alignment with where I wanted to be in life and the passion that I once felt for work had diminished.

Time goes so fast...

Passion had been replaced with anxious thoughts and an increasing to-do list of rising demands.

If you're feeling like I once felt  I can honestly say that I just didn't see it coming and it was as if the extra work, the extra responsibility…….

the extra "can you just fit this in”   the extra “do you just mind” ... just crept up on me until before I knew it I felt really out of my depth without the ability to switch off. In fact you might relate to actually switching on at the weekend to get those extra emails or checking in with a colleague because the overwhelming thoughts of work had seeped into the weekend.

I was just in the middle of a dream…

The fact is with all of the above you can think, talk and apply logic to why you should only work the hours you are contracted to do so but if underneath the logic you're feeding negative thoughts and beliefs about going the extra mile then your thoughts and beliefs will always override the logic until intervention. I can help as a hypnotherapist and coach to interrupt those negative patterns of belief.

The good news is that while the responsibilities and the stress may have seeped into your day-to-day work life the ability to change your belief patterns and habits can be implemented so much sooner within hypnotherapy. 

And if I had an airplane…

Where would you go? What destination would you choose? What does your special place look like?

Is this an idyllic beach?

A log fire in a cosy cabin?

When you are truly relaxed in hypnosis within your special place, your wonderful mystical magical place, I will be able to embed positive changes as part of the hypnotherapy that you can choose to accept as your solution to anxiety.

Rosie Casson